Treatment of Class Ii Malocclusion with Klammt Appliance: Clinical Case Report


  • Téssia Richelly Nóbrega Borja de Melo UNIFIP- University Center of Patos – Paraíba, Brazil
  • João Paz De Souza Filho UNIFIP- University Center of Patos – Paraíba, Brazil
  • Raquel da Silva Guimarães UNIFIP- University Center of Patos – Paraíba, Brazil



Malocclusion, Orthodontics, Class II Angle Malocclusion


Objective: to report a clinical case of a young patient with Class II malocclusion, treated with the Klammt II Elastic Activator device, emphasizing the benefits of early treatment through Facial Jaw Orthopedics.

Case Report: patient G.N.S., Class II division 1, female, caucasian, Brazilian, 10 years and 10 months old, with good oral health, mixed breathing and onychophagia, attended the teaching clinic of UNIFIP/ Brazil, for orthodontic treatment due to aesthetic dissatisfaction. After clinical evaluation and radiographic and cephalometric examinations, a Class II, division 1 malocclusion with retruded mandible was diagnosed. The Klammt II functional orthopedic appliance was prescribed, with full use, for a period of 12 months and bimonthly appointments. The evolution of the case was satisfactory, with mandibular advancement and satisfactory change in the patient's facial profile.

Conclusion: it is concluded that the Klammt II open elastic activator minimized the damage caused by class II division 1 with mandibular retrognathism, redirecting the growth of the mandible in a functional way, thus generating psychological benefits and favorable aesthetics for the profile and facial proportionality.


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How to Cite

Borja de Melo, T. R. N. ., Souza Filho, J. P. D. ., & Guimarães, R. da S. . (2023). Treatment of Class Ii Malocclusion with Klammt Appliance: Clinical Case Report. The Journal of Dentists, 11, 8–15.


