Guided Endodontics in Calcified Root Canals
Calcified canal, Endodontic guide, Endodontic access, Endoguide, Endodontic complications, Guided surgery, Minimally invasive trepanation, Pulp obliteration, Endodontic planningAbstract
Introduction: Endoguide is a device that has significantly aids the treatment of calcified root canals. This device involves modern technologies as 3D printing and computed tomography, which increase the accuracy of dental work. Guided endodontics has currently been emphasized because it facilitates more complex endodontic treatments, such as partial or total obliteration of the root canals precluding the conventional endodontic treatment. This method has demonstrated high percentages of safety for both patient and dentist. It is a fast endodontic access system that prevents perforations, unnecessary removal of dentin and tooth structure. This treatment method is more effective than conventional methods for locating calcified root canals due to its accuracy, speed of time and precision of direction.
Objective: To review the current literature on Endoguide in calcified root canals, analyze its practice, advantages, disadvantages, indications and limitations.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 20 papers in Portuguese and English from the year 2016 to April 2022, and a classic article from year 1995, searched in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar and Bireme. The following keywords were used: Calcified canal, Guided endodontics, Endodontic access, Endoguide.
Results: This technique showed greater predictability in calcified canals, reducing the risk of perforations and allowing faster and more efficient access, with many advantages, except for its high cost.
Conclusion: Based on this literature review, it can be suggested that the Endoguide technique in calcified canals provides great benefits to both dentist and patient, such as reduction of clinical time, agility and confidence in treatment, reduced risk of accidents and complications such as perforations and unnecessary dentin removal.
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