Minimally Invasive Adhesive Treatment of Dental Wear with Feldspathic Ceramic Restorations – A Case Report
Tooth wear, Adhesive restorations, Non-carious dental lesions, Feldspathicporcelain.Abstract
Nowadays non-carious dental lesions are a frequent pathology that affects teeth by irreversible losing the hard non-carious dental tissues. That can affect patients by damaging the aesthetic and functional aspects. A clinical trial case of adhesive restorations was the approach for patients affected by dental abrasions. All the patients are systematically and exclusively treated with adhesive feldspathic ceramic restorations in the frontal area. In this article, one of full-mouth rehabilitation through adhesive restorations was presented. The tooth structure was not sacrificed; some thin veneers made of feldspathic ceramic was bonded directly on the teeth. At the end of this non-prep therapy was an achieved esthetic and functional outcome for all cases with maintaining the teeth vitality.
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