Esthetic Rehabilitation with Combined All-Ceramic Applications: A Case Report


  • Elifnur Guzelce Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics, Emek, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ozgul Karacaer Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics, Emek, Ankara, Turkey



Dental ceramics, laminate veneers, fixed partial denture.


The first choice for anterior rehabilitation has been metal-free materials due to their successful esthetic results. Dentists and dental technicians today require materials that offer high strength, outstanding esthetics and efficient productivity. IPS e-max lithium disilicate can now be processed with CAD/CAM technology or traditionally pressed or contemporarily. Thus, its strength and versatility, the material used for the following practice anterior/posterior crowns, anterior three-unit bridgework (press only), inlays/onlays, veneers, thin veneers, implant restorations, telescopic crowns. The case presented in this report illustrates the rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth with IPS e-max press ceramic bridge and laminate veneers. 


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How to Cite

Guzelce, E., & Karacaer, O. (2017). Esthetic Rehabilitation with Combined All-Ceramic Applications: A Case Report. The Journal of Dentists, 5(2), 70–73.


