Facial Analysis: Correlation Between Cephalometric Angles and Types of Facial Profile
Cephalometry, Face, Orthodontics.Abstract
Objective: to correlate the nasolabial angles (ANL) and mentholabial groove (ASML) with the straight, concave and convex facial profiles, determined through subjective analysis, for application in orthodontic facial analysis.
Method: a cross-sectional, retrospective and analytical study was carried out, with a sample of 184 documents from patients aged between 21 and 36 years old, being 107 woman and 77 man; belonging to the collection of the Specialization Course in Orthodontics, UNIFIP / PB, Brazil. The profile photographs were analyzed, through the subjective method, by visual analysis, under inter-examiner calibration, for classification of the profiles in: straight, concave and convex. For this, the projections of the upper and lower lips were considered, as well as their relationship with the projection of the chin and nose. In lateral radiographs, ANL and ASML angles were drawn for cephalometric analysis. The angles were transcribed through the construction of the facial profile of soft tissues from teleradiographies, in a negatoscope, outlined with ultrafan paper, through the contour of the anatomical soft tissue profile. The data were tabulated on a specific form for this purpose.
Results: the majority of the sample consisted of women (58.2%); by brown patients (63.6%); convex profiles (50.0%); and with woman ANL angles 103.53º (± 9.78) and man 103.27º (± 11.65); and ASML, within the normal range 132, 07º (± 9.54º) for both sexes, respectively. There was no significant correlation between facial profiles and ANL and ASML angles.
Conclusion: the ANL and ASML angles did not influence the facial profiles for the studied sample.
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