Importance of Cone-Beam CT in Endodontics


  • Kamran Gulsahi Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey



Cone-beam computed tomography, endodontic diagnosis, endodontic problems, periapical radiography.


Endodontic diagnosis and accomplished root canal therapy significantly related to accurate radiographic examination. Currently, intraoral periapical radiography is the first imaging choice of the management of endodontic disease. However, with the development of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), three-dimensional imaging of the maxillofacial area can be obtained. CBCT allows the more definite diagnosis of periapical pathologies, root fractures, external and internal of root resorptions than 2-dimensional radiographs. However, CBCT imaging is not recommended in every clinical cases due to higher radiation dose than 2-dimensional radiographs. In this review article the aim was to emphasize the clinical implementations of CBCT in endodontics. 


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How to Cite

Gulsahi, K. (2017). Importance of Cone-Beam CT in Endodontics. The Journal of Dentists, 5(2), 52–58.


