The Formocresol Pulpotomy, Should We Continue Its Use?
Formocresol, toxicity, pulpotomy, pulptectomy.Abstract
Formacresol as an obtundant pulpal therapy medication has been successfully utilized for over one hundred years. The safety of this drug therapy is presently controversial. Although formocresol has the potential for malignant transformation, it has a long term track record of safety. Decreased formocresol pulpal therapy utilization has the potential to limit tooth preservation globally, especially in pediatric patients. Issues regarding carcinogenicity, toxicology, and mutagenesis are discussed. Further issues such as expense, ease of administration, availability, and effectiveness are also discussed. A review of the published literature regarding formocresol case reports is investigated. In conclusion, although formocresol has several known problematic side-effects, it is the opinion of the authors that when properly utilized as a pulpal medicament, formocresol is safe, inexpensive, readily available, easily administered, and effective.
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