A Pilot Study on Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviour Towards Dental Diseases Among Grade Medical Officers in the Kandy District, Sri Lanka


  • N. S. Soysa Division of Pharmacology, Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Sri Lanka
  • N. Alles Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka




Dental disease, caries, periodontitis, dental knowledge, medical practitioners.


Introduction: Oral health is an integral part of the overall health. Schism between the mouth and body might be due to the fact that dentistry is not considered typically as part of the medical system and lack of interest by the physicians towards dental diseases.

Objectives: Therefore the objectives of this pilot study were to assess the attitudes, knowledge and behavior towards dental diseases among grade medical officers in the Kandy district, Sri Lanka.

Methods: This study was a self administered, questionnaire survey which was done among 42 grade medical officers in the Kandy district. The questionnaire assessed the knowledge and the awareness of common dental problems such as dental caries, periodontitis and cancer among the grade medical officers and their behavior towards patients having dental conditions.

Results: This study showed that 76.2% and 78.6% of all the participants knew that oral microorganism and plaque and calculus are responsible for dental caries and periodontitis, respectively. There appeared to be a low awareness of the systemic diseases which are linked to periodontitis. Only 28.6% of all participants knew that periodontitis is associated with preterm birth. While 66.6% of the medical officers would examine the oral cavity, 33.3% of the participants said that they did not perform a routine oral examination.

Conclusion: This pilot study indicates the importance of increasing the knowledge of medical practitioners regarding dental diseases, so that we can utilize their support in identifying, referring and treating those conditions earlier and for the promotion of prevention of dental diseases and oral cancer. 


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How to Cite

Soysa, N. S., & Alles, N. (2016). A Pilot Study on Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviour Towards Dental Diseases Among Grade Medical Officers in the Kandy District, Sri Lanka. The Journal of Dentists, 4(1), 9–16 . https://doi.org/10.12974/2311-8695.2016.04.01.2


