Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6 Nanofiber Reinforced Dental Composite Resins


  • Emre Tokar Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics, Emek, Ankara, Turkey
  • Nihal Tokar Tepebasi Oral and Dental Health Hospital, Kecioren, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ozgul Karacaer Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics, Emek, Ankara, Turkey




Dental composite resins, nanofibers, nanofiber reinforced composites, electrospinning.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate mechanical properties of different mass fraction of Nylon 6 (N6) nanofibers reinforced bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate (Bis-GMA) and tri-(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) based dental composite resins.

Materials and Methods: N6 nanofibers were produced using electrospinning method. The nanofibers were mixed with composite resin and cured. Powder of this mixture was added into the resin matrix at different mass fractions (1%, 2%, 3%). Eight specimens were prepared for each nanofiber reinforced dental composites and neat resin. Three point bending test was applied to specimens. Flexural strength (Fs), flexural modulus (EY) and work of fracture (WOF) of groups were found.

Results: Fs results were shown increasing trend going to the highest mass fraction of N6 nanofiber. EY result of 2% N6 nanofiber reinforced composite group was significantly increased compared to neat resin. Difference of WOF results between the control and N6 1% nanofiber reinforced composite groups was statistically significant.

Conclusions: Fs and EY results of the dental composites could be increased after impregnating relatively small amount of N6 nanofibers. Ratio of surface area to volume could be increased due to inter-molecular hydrogen bonding between the nanofiber and the resin. 


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How to Cite

Tokar, E., Tokar, N., & Karacaer, O. (2016). Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6 Nanofiber Reinforced Dental Composite Resins. The Journal of Dentists, 4(1), 2–8. https://doi.org/10.12974/2311-8695.2016.04.01.1


