Influence of Polymerization with Argon Laser and LED on Shear Resistance of Adhesive Systems
Argon Laser, Bracket, Shear strength.Abstract
objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate the shear strength of ceramic brackets as a function of two adhesive systems (kit TransbondTM XT; TransbondTM Plus Self Etching Primer/ 3M Unitek®) and two light sources (LED and Argon Laser).
Method: 28 maxillary premolars were used, divided into two groups (n=14), according to the adhesive system and light source. The teeth were enclosed in ¾-inch PVC tubes, with special stone plaster, perpendicular to the ground and tubes. Brackets were fixed over the exposed crowns. The teeth were stored at 37ºC for 24 hours and then submitted to 1,000 thermal cycles with 30 seconds in each bath (5°C and 55°C). The shear test was performed on a Shimadzu® testing machine at a speed of 0.5mm/min. Enamel surfaces were qualified using the ARI (Adhesive Remaining Index). Data were submitted to statistical analyzes ANOVA, Tukey and Kruskal-Wallis (p<0.05).
Results: the conventional TransbondTM XT kit adhesive system was superior to the self-etching system. LED and Argon Laser showed similar behaviors.
Conclusion: Argon laser did not influence shear strength or ARI scores.
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