Healing of a Large Periapical Lesion and Adjacent Cortical Bone: Cone-Beam CT Aided Diagnosis and Treatment
Cone beam CT, healing, nonsurgical endodontic treatment, periapical lesion.Abstract
The primary aim of root canal treatment is the resolution of clinical symptoms and radiographic signs. Periapical lesion is a crucial problem resulting in the loss of teeth. The major reason of periapical lesion associated with infected pulpal tissue are caused by pulpal inflammation and/or degeneration through deep caries, trauma, or by a combination of these parameters. Periapical lesion in teeth with root canal treatment should be initially treated with nonsurgical retreatment procedures. Small volume Cone Beam CT can be a powerful tool in endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and follow-up. This case report presents a complete clinical and radiological healing of a large periapical lesion and adjacent cortical bone of a hopeless tooth after retreatment procedures.
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