Amalgam Inlay- An Innovative Technique
Bonding, inlay cavity, silver amalgam.Abstract
Dental amalgam is the most thoroughly researched and tested restorative material, which has been used successfully in dentistry for more than a century. Despite its poor esthetic and lack of adhesion, it is still one of the most widely used restorative materials in dental practice. This case report describes a novel clinical technique of fabricating an inlay using silver amalgam for restoring a large cervical abrasion cavity. A patient with large and deep cervical abrasion cavity in relation to mandibular right posterior region was reported. The impression of the abrasive cavity was done using rubber base impression material. Later, cast was fabricated, amalgam was condensed into the cavity, contoured and inlay was prepared. Fit of the inlay was checked on the patient, thereafter it was finished and polished and cemented using luting glass ionomer cement.
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