The Role of the Dentist in Home Care for the Older People: A Narrative Review of the Literature


  • Luís Eduardo Genaro São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araçatuba, Brazil
  • Thamiris Grizante Aurelio São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araraquara, Brazil
  • Cristina Maria Ferreira Guimarães Pereira Areias Faculty of Dental Medicine of Porto University, Porto, Portugal
  • Aylton Valsecki Júnior São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araraquara, Brazil
  • Tânia Adas Saliba São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araçatuba, Brazil
  • Fernanda Lopez Rosell São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Dentistry, Araraquara, Brazil



Aged, Dentists, Home Care Services, Unified Health System


Objective; This study aimed to discuss the role of dentists in providing home care to older people.

Methodology; Studies on the role of the dentist in the oral health of older people living at home were reviewed. The search terms used included: home care, domiciliary care, older people, and oral health. Inclusion criteria comprised articles published in Scielo and Google Scholar databases. The article was categorized to provide a clear exposition of the information.

Results; Home Care (HC) in Brazil evolved from an informal practice initiated by sanitary agents in the early 20th century to a structured service with the creation of the Unified Health System (UHS) in 1988. The UHS established programs such as the Family Health Program, which integrated home visits by doctors and nurses, and later incorporated HC in three levels (HC1, HC2, HC3) to address different care complexities. The role of dentists in HC includes promoting oral health, treating urgenties, guiding caregivers, and performing clinical procedures, which are essential for the quality of life of the older people. This approach requires specific handling techniques and professional adaptation, focusing on prevention and less invasive treatments, considering the biopsychosocial health of patients. Conclusion: Home Care Services are crucial, with dentists providing care that includes the prevention and promotion of oral health. HC promotes humanized and comprehensive care, positively impacting the well-being of the older people. Long-term effectiveness depends on prevention, caregiver education, and professional adaptations.


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How to Cite

Genaro, L. E. ., Aurelio, T. G. ., Pereira Areias, C. M. F. G. ., Valsecki Júnior, A. ., Saliba, T. A. ., & Lopez Rosell, F. . (2024). The Role of the Dentist in Home Care for the Older People: A Narrative Review of the Literature. The Journal of Dentists, 12, 27–32.


