School Wide Student-Centered Psychology and Counseling Provision: Disrupting Disruptions to Teaching and Learning Environments


  • Larry Lee Well-being Center, Dasman Bilingual School, Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • Shereef Aboelela Aid Abdalhamid Dasman Bilingual School, Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • Nada Anbousi Dasman Bilingual School, Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • Nuku Charlotte Rasenyalo Dasman Bilingual School, Kuwait City, Kuwait



School-based psychology & counseling model, Disruptive behaviors, Student variable processing, Co-produced interventions, Students’ autonomous functioning.


Concerned with understanding causes of classroom disruptions; researchers, questioned extent to which students could manage disruptive behaviors: 7 males, median age 15, participated in 12 weekly, 1-hour focus groups’ discussions specific to their disruptive behaviors. 1 male participated in 12 weekly 1-hour case study interviews specific to his disruptive behaviors. Emergent themes highlighted different versions of students acting disrespectfully or respectfully in classrooms, with respect being operationalized as absence of blaming, lying, minimizing, and making excuses during school-based engagements. Understanding these defensive communicative and behavior patterns could inform co-produced interventions going forward. 


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How to Cite

Lee, L., Abdalhamid, S. A. A., Anbousi, N., & Rasenyalo, N. C. (2020). School Wide Student-Centered Psychology and Counseling Provision: Disrupting Disruptions to Teaching and Learning Environments. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research, 7, 38–49.


