Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders in the Bible


  • Hugo André de Lima Martins Physician, PhD in Neuropsychiatry, UFPE
  • Bianca Bastos Mazullo Martins Psychologist, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)
  • Bruna Bastos Mazullo Martins Psychologist, Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde (FPS)
  • Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas Psychologist, PhD in Neuropsychiatry, UFPE
  • Alexandro Luiz Bomfim dos Santos Psychologist, Specialist in Neuropsychology (UNIFTC)



Borderline personality disorder, Antisocial personality disorder, Bible.


Introduction: A pervasive and inflexible personality characterizes the borderline personality disorder (BPD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Both belong to cluster B of the personality classification, and the main feature is emotional dysregulation and a high degree of impulsivity.

Objective: To present, outline, and discuss the traits of borderline and antisocial personalities in the biblical characters.

Methods: An extensive search was conducted in the Old and New Testaments to find characters who committed violent acts against themselves and/or against other characters. Right after, we sought traits of borderline and antisocial personality disorders and outlined the psychological profile of the characters.

Results: Six characters committed suicide in the Old Testament. The first was Abimelech, whose history is told in the book of Judges, followed by Samson’s. The next was Saul, as presented in 1 Samuel. Ahithophel's suicide is reported in 2 Samuel, while Zimri is reported in the 1 Kings, and Judas, the most famous suicide of the New Testament. The following characters presented with a high degree of impulsivity and homicidal acts: Cain and Potiphar’s wife, reported in the book of Genesis, and Absalom and Amnon, described in 2 Samuel (Amnon was a rapist and killer). The last murderer woman described was Jezebel, presented in the book of 1 Kings and 2 Kings.

Conclusion: The bible is a very rich and underexplored source of borderline and antisocial personality disorder descriptions. 


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How to Cite

Martins, H. A. de L., Martins, B. B. M., Martins, B. B. M., Ribas, V. R., & dos Santos, A. L. B. . (2021). Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders in the Bible. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research, 8, 11–21.


