The Plurality of Word Sense in Clytemnestra: the Focus on Disambiguation in Language
Textual narrative analysis, Ambiguous language, Greek tragedy, Word sense disambiguation process.Abstract
The methodology of narration, on a theoretical level, concerns textual narrative analysis. In this paper, it is applied to the text of Greek tragedy in Agamemnon and deals with the scene of the killing of the main character, on his return from Troy, by his wife Clytemnestra.
The method concerns the psychological vision that ranges from analysis of the characters to the understanding of dynamics and relationships on the subjective level of interpretations and experiences, up to the objective level of the interpretation of conflicting dynamics, and their evolution through unambiguous language.
In conclusion, the focus on the disambiguation process in word sense is a methodology that can be used in care taking, in the analytical process of psychotherapeutic practice to reveal the psychological dynamics favoring a bridge between the conscious and unconscious function, creating an interpersonal space of authenticity in the therapeutic relationship.
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