The Functional Neurometry of Nelson Alves Pereira Júnior: An Advanced Method of Mapping and Biofeedback Training of the Autonomic Nervous System Functions


  • Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas Psychologist, PhD in Neuropsychiatry, UFPE, Brazil
  • Renata de Melo Guerra Ribas Nutritionist, Expert in Phytotherapy, UFPE and IDE, Brazil
  • Marcelo Tavares Viana Physical Education Professional, PhD in Nutrition, UFPE, Brazil
  • José Marcos da Silva Dias Graduation in Pedagogy, Specialist in Neuroscience, FAJOLCA and UFPE, Brazil
  • Ivan Rafael Reis e Silva Cavalcanti Physiotherapist, Specialist in Osteopathy, Faculdade Maurício de Nassau and EBOM, Brazil
  • Marcelo Cairrão Araujo Rodrigues Graduated in Biological Sciences, PhD in Psychobiology, UFSP and USP, Brazil
  • Igor Tchaikovsky Mello de Oliveira Biomedical, PhD student in Neuropsychiatry, UFPE, Brazil
  • Nery Adamy Neto Graduated in Pedagogy, Master of Science in Education, FEP, Paraguay
  • Ricardo Jorge Consuel Pessoa Physician, UPE, Brazil
  • Hugo André de Lima Martins Physician, PhD in Neuropsychiatry, UFPE, Brazil



Functional neurometry, Biofeedback, Autonomic nervous system.


Introduction: Functional Neurometry makes Biofeedback tools already demonstrated in the literature, such as: galvanic skin response, cardiac coherence and variability, thermoregulatory and respiratory interact with each other.

Objective: The aim of this study was to report the historical and methodological aspects of the Functional Neurometry protocols.

Method: A review was made in the MEDLINE / PubMed electronic indexing database and in the Web of Science.

Results: This method intends to synchronize the frequencies of various organs linked to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to control anxiety. Assessment and training are organized into categories. The categories of the assessment protocol are: 1st) Anxiety Control; 2nd) Physiological Response; 3rd) Baroreflex Index; 4th) hemodynamics; and 5th) Brain Neurometry and the training protocol categories are: I) Sound Anxiety Control; II) Visual Anxiety Control; III) Emotional Variability; IV) Respiratory Amplitude and Frequency; V) Progressive Muscle Relaxation; VI) Functional Physiological Response; VII) Respiratory Functional Capacity; VIII) Heart Rate Variability and IV) Cardiac Coherence.

Conclusion: Functional neurometry mainly allows the balance of the ANS, making it a protective filter of the central nervous system. 


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How to Cite

Ribas, V. R., Ribas, R. de M. G., Viana, M. T., Dias, J. M. da S., Cavalcanti, I. R. R. e S., Rodrigues, M. C. A., de Oliveira, I. T. M. ., Neto, N. A., Pessoa, R. J. C., & Martins, H. A. de L. (2020). The Functional Neurometry of Nelson Alves Pereira Júnior: An Advanced Method of Mapping and Biofeedback Training of the Autonomic Nervous System Functions. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research, 7, 1–19.


