Cyclothymic Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Case Formulation


  • Ilaria Bertolucci University of Siena, Department of Medical Sciences, Surgery and Neurosciences, Siena, Italy



Cyclothymia, Bipolar disorders, Hypomania, Mild depression, Cyclothymic disorder, CBT, WBT Cognitive behavior therapy, Well-Being Therapy, Case formulation, Case conceptualization


Cyclothymic disorder is recognized as a mild, less severe and subthreshold form of bipolar disorder. The complexity of the disorder leads to difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. A dimensional approach to diagnosis may help identify the goals, and the planning of the psychological intervention. In this paper, a case of cyclothymic disorder is presented, focusing on the cognitive-behavioral conceptualization of the case and its treatment planning.


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How to Cite

Bertolucci, I. . (2024). Cyclothymic Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Case Formulation. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research, 11, 21–33.


