Internal Revision with Bleb Needling: An Effective, Safe Option for Failing Blebs


  • Kirti Singh Glaucoma Services, Guru Nanak Eye Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College & assoc hospitals, New Delhi 110002, India
  • Neha Sachdev Glaucoma Services, Guru Nanak Eye Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College & assoc hospitals, New Delhi 110002, India
  • Arshi Singh Glaucoma Services, Guru Nanak Eye Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College & assoc hospitals, New Delhi 110002, India



Failing bleb, Revision, Blocked internal sclerostomy, Trabeculectomy


Aim: To report the outcomes of internal revision with bleb needling in cases of failing blebs with the internal sclerostomy blocked by iris tissue.

Methods: Prospective study of 26 eyes of 26 patients with failing blebs where target IOP was not achieved with 2 anti-glaucoma drugs and sclerostomy was blocked by iris (confirmed on gonioscopy). Patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the time from the first surgery- early (<3 months), intermediate (4-12 months) and late (>1 year). Patients underwent internal revision with bleb needling with either 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) or Mitomycin C (MMC)

Results: 26 eyes of 26 patients were included in the study. Mean age was 51.35±14.5 years. Time from the filtration surgery was early in 3, intermediate in 5 and late in 18 eyes. Mean IOP reduction at 3 months was 32±18% with maximum reduction in early group (40%). Mean IOP decreased from 24.5±3.4 mmHg to 16.2±4.3 mmHg in 5-FU group (12 patients) and 27.4±9 mmHg to 18.2±6.6 mmHg in MMC group (14 patients). Self-limiting complications were hyphema in 2 patients and subconjunctival haemorrhage in 1 patient.

Conclusion: Internal revision with bleb needling is a safe and effective procedure for reviving failing blebs.


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How to Cite

Singh, K. ., Sachdev, . N. ., & Singh, A. . (2023). Internal Revision with Bleb Needling: An Effective, Safe Option for Failing Blebs. Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics, 10, 11–15.


