Morphological and Physiological Responses of Grafted Melon Subjected to Fusarium Wilt and Water Stress
Melon, Fusarium wilt, Rootstocks, Chlorophyll content, Stomatal conductance, CWSIAbstract
This study aimed to determine the effects of different rootstocks on crop water stress index (CWSI), some morphological and physiological parameters of grafted melon under soil-borne pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.melonis) and water stress conditions. The study was carried out in Çumra District of Konya Province in Türkiye for two years. The main plots consisted of three different irrigation levels and the sub plots consisted of subjects with melon plants with different rootstocks. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design with three replications. In the study, four different rootstocks; 1-Ungrafted, 2-Ferro, 3-Maximus and TZ 148 were used. Edalı F1 variety (Cucumis melo var. Edalı F1) was used as a scion in the experiment. Irrigation was done in the four vegetation periods (early vegetative, late vegetative, flowering-fruit setting and ripening) of plant. Irrigation consisted of issues to increase soil depth from 0-90 cm to field capacity (I100), 50% (I50) of soil available water field capacity and rainfed (I0). As a result of the experiment, while leaf water potential (LWP) and leaf relative water content (RWC) increased with the increase of irrigation water in both years, the chlorophyll content was higher in I100, stomatal conductance was the highest in I50 of irrigation water, while the increase in irrigation water decreased stomatal conductance. In terms of physiological parameters measured in the plant, chlorophyll content and RWC values in the first year, Ferro, TZ-148 and Maximus rootstock, respectively, in the second year, Maximus rootstock reached the best value stem diameter in both years. CWSI was also affected by the applications.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Aynur Ozbahce, Yakup Kosker, Rohat Gultekin, Ceren Gorgisen, Kadri Avag, Yasemin Demir, Seral Yucel

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