In vitro Evaluation of Eucalyptus Urophylla Behavior Under Salt Stress
In vitro, Salt stress, Morphological parameter, Physiological, Mineral parametersAbstract
Eucalyptus urophylla is a tree used in intensive farming and presents an ecological, economic and industrial interests. In this research, morphological, physiological and mineral studies were conducted at the seedling stage under salt stress condition. The results show that, at the seedling stage, salinity using a concentration above 4g/l of NaCl have a significant effect on the plants as it damaged their development, caused a fresh matter, an increasing concentration of NaCl. This decrease is rather greater beyond 4g/l of sodium chloride. For better identification of differences in sensitivity and specific behavior, the salt sensitivity index was determined and it shows a significant decrease in the studied organs related to the concentration of NaCl. A mineral study was conducted for Na+, Cl-, K+, Ca2+ contents for both shoots and roots. Results showed high accumulation levels of Na+ et Cl- levels starting from the lowed dose of 34.2mM of NaCl with more significant ion accumulation capacity of the leaves. K+ and Ca2+ ions levels was reduced starting from 34.2mM NaCl with roots more effected by the elevated salt concentrations. These results also indicated that leaves can withstand up to 144.3mM of NaCl as for roots they can tolerate up to 171.1mM of NaCl. This salt toleration is done through ions compartmentation which is why ions were allocated in the different parts of the plant. This confirms the inclusiveness of Eucalyptus urophylla under a salt stress.
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