Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Plants: A Recent Update
Nitric oxide, Nitric oxide synthase, Nitrate reductase, Xanthine oxidoreductase.Abstract
In recent years nitric oxide (NO) has been established as a versatile molecule due to its multifaceted roles in growth and development and as a key signaling molecule in different intracellular processes in plants. Moreover, NO also acts as a direct or indirect antioxidant and regulates the level of reactive oxygen species in stressed cells. A plentiful of literature is available with the information on the role of NO in growth, physiological, biochemical and molecular attributes of plants and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) that oxidizes arginine to NO and citrulline, has been characterized as the source of NO in animals. However, in plants, as several sources of NO are identified, synthesis of NO is more complex and is a matter of considerable debate. Based on the previous evidences, the present review is focused on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic sources of NO in plants.
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