Western Himalaya Trees Growth Study and its Association with Droughts in India: A Case Study
Western Himalaya, Conifer, Tree-ring width index, standardized soil index, standardized potential evapotranspiration index.Abstract
Tree ring-width index chronology based on a well replicated tree core samples from the western Himalaya showed significant positive relationship with standardized precipitation potential evapotranspiration (SPEI) and standardized soil index (SSI) during summer season (April-June). However, SSI that describes the drought index over the region is found more compatible with tree growth variations than SPEI in controlling the annual ring-width patterns. It shows high temporal stability with trees growth compared to SPEI. The results showed that the SSI which is an indicator of drought index has strong localized effects on patterns of annual tree growth and forest dynamic, working as booster in limiting of trees growth over western Himalaya.References
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