Evaluation of Phytchemicals and Fluorescent Analysis of Roots, Leaves and Stem of Dryopteris chrysocoma (Christ) C. Chr.
Dryopteris chrysocoma, male fern, Powder analysis, Fluorescence analysis, TLC, HPLC, FTIR.Abstract
Dryopteris chrysocoma is male fern. It is widely distributed as ornamental plant. It is found in damp and moist areas and is common in high altitudes of Pakistan. The palnt has medicinal importance also as it has anthelmintic property. The present study is conducted to determine various phytochemicals present in roots, leaves and stem of D. chrysocoma. Various chemical tests as Lead acetate, Ferric chloride, Salwaski, Dragondroff’s, Liebermans Burchart, Molisch’s, Organic solvent, picric and tannic acids test were performed for the determination of chemical constituents. It showed presence of tannins, phenols and flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids, steroids and triterpenes, carbohydrates and proteins. For the standardization of plant material fluorescence analysis of powder of roots, leaves and stem was performed by treating powder with different chemicals and observing it at ordinary light and UV light at 254 and 366nm. That showed fluorescence and the presence of different chemicals. TLC analysis was performed that showed presence of certain constituents in the form of spots. HPLC and FTIR analysis was performed for identification of phytochemicals and their functional groups. These phytochemicals are responsible for medicinal activities as rhizome contains phloroglucinol derivatives of crude filicin that has vermifuge and abortifacient effects.References
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