Sectors Required for Sustainable Development in Hill Districts of Uttarakhand


  • Vardan Singh Rawat Department of Botany, D. S. B. Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India



Sectors, canopy, stakeholders.


There is an increased pressure on forests for fuel wood, fodder, litter and timber requirements that is having an effect on the desired level of forest density and productivity of forests. The destruction and degradation of forests are taking a heavy toll on soil and water resources. It is essential to regenerate degraded forest and wasteland. Our vision is to not only maintain and increase these forest cover to the desired levels but also to develop a harmonious and eco friendly relationship between the local people and forests. All the hill districts of Uttarakhand have more than 50% of the area under forest. Thus, many of the livelihood options in these regions depend on forest based products. It has been recognized that state forests and the people dependent on them, are experiencing new types of change, at ever increasing rates. Thus, the policy and institutional framework have to change to the same degree, with the result that systems designed to ensure that all needs for forest goods and services are met, which are currently inadequate. The policies and strategies of the Uttarakhand Forest Departments and other key institutions should be such that they meet the needs of key forest stakeholders and ensure sustainable management of forest resources, integrating forest sector planning with socio economic development. The objective of this article is to identify sectors where hill districts of Uttarakhand have a comparative advantage and prepare a strategy for inclusive growth based on district specific requirements. 


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How to Cite

Singh Rawat, V. . (2016). Sectors Required for Sustainable Development in Hill Districts of Uttarakhand. Global Journal Of Botanical Science, 4(1), 2–6.


