Agrosol and Brassinolide Applications Improve Growth and Physiological Responses of fig (Ficus Carica L.)


  • Zulias Mardinata Department of Agronomy, School of Graduate Studies, Islamic University of Riau, 28284, Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Mellisa Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, Islamic University of Riau, 28284, Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Indonesia



Agrosol, Biomass production, Brassinolide, Fig, and Leaf gas exchange.


Agrosol and brassinolide applications had increased changes in the growth and physiology of fig. The experiment was arranged as an RCBD factorial with three replications. The Results of this research indicated that increasing agrosol (control, 2, 2.5, and 3 kg/ha) and brassinolide concentration (control and 200 ml/L) caused some differences in growth and physiology of fig. However, the differences were not consistent and most of the changes happened only in the first or fourth months. Agrosol 2 kg/ha and brassinolide 200 ml/L showed higher growth and physiology than the other concentrations after receiving agrosol and brassinolide treatment. There was no effective treatment of brassinolide alone but it had a significant effect when combining with agrosol except in chlorophyll fluorescence. 


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How to Cite

Mardinata, Z., & Mellisa. (2020). Agrosol and Brassinolide Applications Improve Growth and Physiological Responses of fig (Ficus Carica L.). Global Journal Of Botanical Science, 8, 40–52.


