Biobased Adhesives from African Mahogany Tannins: Characterization by 1H and 13C NMR and Physicochemical Properties
Bark, Sapwood, Heartwood, Khaya ivorensis, Tannins, Thermal stability.Abstract
The study of the development of tannin-based adhesives from the African mahogany Khaya ivorensis A. Chev tannins condensed hexamine was carried out. Tannins from the bark, sapwood, and heartwood were extracted employing the industrial method (NaOH/Na2SO3/NaHSO3) and they were used to synthesize different formulations of biobased adhesives. Tannins/hexamine/water adhesives obtained were characterized by differential scanning analysis (DSC) to know their physical changes under heat action. Polymerization temperatures were between 90°C and 153°C. These adhesives heat resistance was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Results showed good thermal stabilities properties for adhesives with degradation temperatures between 225°C and 250°C. Besides, a thermomechanical analysis (TMA) shows a high value of elasticity modulus for these adhesives. Finally, 2D HSQC NMR analysis was performed to confirm the good reactivity between African mahogany tannins and hexamine linked with strong bounds.
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Copyright (c) 2020 A. Bikoro Bi Athomo, S.P.M. Engozogho Anris, R. Safou Tchiama, F. Eyma, P.L. de Hoyos-Martinez, B. Charrier

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