A Preliminary Report on Aerophytic Cyanoprokaryota and Chlorophyta from Rocky Mountain National Park and Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA
Aerophytic, Algae, Cyanoprokaryota, Fraser Experimental Forest, Rocky Mountain National Park, ROMO, FEF.Abstract
This paper reports the results of a study of the aerophytic algae from Fraser Research Forest (Fraser, Colorado) and the Loch Vale site in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Ten bark samples from two trees (Engelmann spruce and Douglas fir) were collected from both study sites. A total of 16 species of aerophytic algae were recovered from these samples. Cyanoprokaryota were the dominant group, with 13 species identified (81.2%) and green algae had three species at 18.8%. There were nine species identified from Fraser Experimental Forest and 13 from Loch Vale. There were 14 species identified on Douglas fir and 8 on Engelmann spruce. There was a slight positive trend for higher numbers of species at higher elevations.
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