Analysis of the Priming Effect of Iron Nanoparticle on the Germination Characteristics of Melissa officinalis under Salinity Stress
Melissa officinalis, germination, nanoparticle, salinity.Abstract
Regarding the importance of Melissa officinalis, especially in pharmaceutical industries, this experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of priming with iron nanoparticles on germination of M. officinalis under salinity stress using facotial experiment based on randomized complete block design, at the laboratory of Payam Nour University of Tehran, Iran in 2016. Priming improved the germination factors and the seedling growth of M. officinalis under salinity stress. By increasing the concentration of iron nanoparticles, more absorption occurred at the nanoscale and plant growth indices fell due to created toxicity and oxidative stress induced on the plant that led it to increase activities of its antioxidant enzymes in order to fight generated free radicals.
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