Pollen Analysis and Environment


  • Valentina V. Ukraintseva State Saint - Petersburg Polytechnic Academy, Saint - Petersburg, Russia
  • Nikita B. Kultin State Saint - Petersburg Polytechnic Academy, Saint - Petersburg, Russia




Environment and pollen analysis method, fossil spore-pollen spectra, recent spore-pollen spectra, new method of assessment, similarity index, holocene, taymyr peninsula, Russia.


As well known pollen analysis method is using widely in different fields of knowledge, including of geology. In this paper authors has introduced an absolutely new criterion–Similarity Index (SI) for assessment of fossil spore-pollen spectra. The use of the SI enables us to make a reliable assessment of fossil spore-pollen spectra and, consequently, to make a correlation of deposits, containing them, therefore providing for more reliable palaeofloristics, phytostratigraphic evidence, reconstruction of change of environment in time and in space. It would be showed, that the using of this index let us to brush up the technique of pollen analysis method at nowadays level and thus will give to this important method a new very fruitful way in different fields of knowledge of natural sciences. 


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How to Cite

V. Ukraintseva, V. ., & B. Kultin, . N. . (2015). Pollen Analysis and Environment. Global Journal Of Botanical Science, 3(1), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.12974/2311-858X.2015.03.01.3


