An Updated Overview of Taxonomy and Phylogenetic History of Tillandsioideae Genera (Bromeliaceae: Poales)


  • Janaína Gomes-da-Silva Departamento de Botânica, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ
  • Andrea Ferreira da Costa Quinta da Boa Vista São Cristovão 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil



Bromeliads, classification, monocots, monophyletic, polyphyletic.


Generic delimitation in Tillandsioideae has been widely discussed over the last past decades, being frequent changes in generic level. Despite the numerous changes at the generic and infrageneric levels in Tillandsioideae there is not yet a study bringing together the history of systematic of the tillandsioid genera. Given the conservation significance and scientific importance of species of the subfamily, it is time revise the generic status of Tillandsioideae. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to provide an updated phylogenetic and systematic history for the genera of Tillandsioideae. We review the fragmentary literature on the phylogeny, classification and taxonomy of Tillandsioideae, and provide an update of these data.


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How to Cite

Janaína Gomes-da-Silva, & Andrea Ferreira da Costa. (2022). An Updated Overview of Taxonomy and Phylogenetic History of Tillandsioideae Genera (Bromeliaceae: Poales) . Global Journal Of Botanical Science, 1(1), 1–8.


