Solitary Cysticercosis in Eye: Literature Review and A Hypothesis on Transmission of Infection
Solitary cysticercosis, Taenia solium, eye, larval infection, intra-ocular, extra-ocular, ocular cysticercosis, orbital cysticercosis.Abstract
Ophthalmic cysticercosis due to larval Taenia solium infestation in eye is one of the common preventable causes of acquired blindness particularly in the tropics. Though haematogenously disseminated oncospheres of this parasite can lodge in any tissue or body parts in human, there is a known predilection for brain, skeletal muscle and eye where they develop into metacestode larvae or cysticerci. However a number of cases have been reported having solitary cysticercosis only in eye without affecting brain and/or skeletal muscles. It is not clear to understand the exact route of entry into eye, the timing and environmental circumstances that produce ocular invasion without affecting other tissues. In this article, we have highlighted on the possibility of an alternate non-haematogenous route of transmission of infection particularly affecting eye or its adnexa in T. solium endemic tropical developing countries with poor sanitation practice, and deficient environmental monitoring system. Experimental infection studies might be helpful to prove the hypothesis on direct inoculation with T. solium eggs causing larval infestation in eye.
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