SICS Tunnel Construction with Oblique Limbal Stab Incision and its Effectiveness in Self-Sealing, Nucleus Delivery and Astigmatism - Minimal Duration Cataract Surgery


  • Ram Lal Sharma Department of Ophthalmology, IGMC, Shimla, India
  • Deepti Mahajan Department of Ophthalmology, IGMC, Shimla, India
  • Kamlesh Sharma Department of Ophthalmology, IGMC, Shimla, India



Small incision cataract surgery, scleral tunnel, surgically induced astigmatism.


Manual small incision cataract surgery SICS is very versatile surgery as it is easily modifiable, needs minimal instruments, no equipment dependence, can be performed quickly and at very low cost. The technique can be further simplified by constructing a limbo-corneal tunnel with controlled stab incision obliquely at the posterior limbus without superior rectus stitch, conjunctival flap or cautery. It reduces the overall surgical time to 9-12 minutes by eliminating many avoidable surgical steps and related complications. The technique has the advantages of both the approaches (scleral tunnel for SICS and corneal pocket for phaco) with comparable induced astigmatism than superior incision and better AC manipulations. Limbal incisions heal faster and resist more deformation pressure than cornea. The technique is comfortable to perform and visual outcome is equally good. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, R. L., Mahajan, D., & Sharma, K. (2014). SICS Tunnel Construction with Oblique Limbal Stab Incision and its Effectiveness in Self-Sealing, Nucleus Delivery and Astigmatism - Minimal Duration Cataract Surgery. Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics, 2(2), 54–62.


