Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Assessment of Pathological Autorhythmicity in Patients with Chronic Myofascial Pain


  • A.V. Ovchinnikov Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia



Somatosensory evoked potentials, autorhythmicity, generators of pathologically enhanced excitability, myofascial pain.


Objective: Objectivation of functional shifts in the nervous system through somatosensory evoked potentials at chronic nociceptive afferentation induced by the pathological neuronal autorhythmicity.

Methods: Pre- and post-treatment assessment of evoked potential component parameters in patients with muscular pain and myofacsial trigger points with different pain severity. The active pre-treatment autorhythmicity was treated as the amplitude increase and any component latency reduction. The autorhythmicity regression was treated as the amplitude reduction and the latency increase.

Results: Pain relief correlated with myofacsial trigger point transformation into the latent ones. As compared with the milder pain, the pronounced pain syndrome revealed more significant functional shifts (generators of autorhythmicity), prevailing at higher levels of the nervous system. However, in the milder pain, a number of low activity generators were detected that indicates an antinociceptive system under activity. After the treatment, the number of pathologically enhanced excitation generators decreased significantly with migration to caudal parts of the nerve system.

Such shifts may serve as a neurophysiological basis for further myofascial pain exacerbations. 


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How to Cite

Ovchinnikov, A. (2017). Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Assessment of Pathological Autorhythmicity in Patients with Chronic Myofascial Pain. Journal of Neurology and Epidemiology, 5, 15–24.


