Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Nanoparticles Penetration within the Cancerous Tumor Tissue under Influence of External Magnet
Cancer, tumor, drug delivery, magnet, nanoparticle.Abstract
Using the great magnetic drug carriers (MDCs) is proposed mechanism to reduce and increase the toxic drugs penetration within the healthy and cancerous tissues, respectively. The purpose of current study is to investigate the penetration of magnetic drug carriers within the cancerous tumor tissue under the influence of external magnet. In order to solve the coupled governing equations an in house finite volume based code is developed and utilized. Capillary wall and tumor tissue is modelled as a saturated porous media. Results show the penetration of MDCs into the tumor in the absence of magnetic field is minimal and is limited to the surface of the tumor. On the other hand, under the influence of external magnet the penetration of MDCs within the tumor increases exponentially.
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