Multidisciplinary Development Issues of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Program in Ukraine: Role of Auxiliary Cryopreservation Technologies
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Transplant program requirements, CryopreservationAbstract
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a life-saving medical technology for many serious diseases. Active international exchange of transplant material is ensured through productive cooperation of world international donation, transplantation, cell therapy organizations, along with their associations. Analysis of the experience of many countries has allowed the development of key recommendations from the Worldwide Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation for establishing HSCT programs. According to them, to make the most effective use of the capabilities of this medical technology, the creation of new transplant programs requires both sufficient investment and the presence of specialized professional teams for multidisciplinary support of the entire process.
This article discusses prospects for the development of the national transplant program in Ukraine. In particular, the role of Ukrainian national scientific and practical traditions detailed in the creation of cellular processing technologies and cryopreservation as part of the team support providing components of transplantation medical technology. It is looked forward that the development of the HCST program in Ukraine will take place through continuous improvement in order to meet the criteria of the highest quality and safety. Its serious basis is the solid scientific traditions, historical and modern experience of many directions that provide the field.
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