Graphene Oxide Composites as Environmentally-Friendly Enzyme Inhibitors


  • Seyed Mostafa Biazar Department of Soil, water and ecosystem science, University of Florida, USA
  • Ali Karimi Bavandpour Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, USA



Acetylcholinesterase enzyme, Biological applications, Graphene Oxide, Phosphoramide, Fluorescence


This work presents a concise approach to synthesizing water-soluble and homogeneous nanocomposites of "graphene oxide/phosphoramide ligands" (GO/L) without the need for additional reducing agents. These nanocomposites have the potential to exhibit enhanced biological applications, such as antifungal, enzyme immobilization and antibacterial activities, compared to bare graphene oxide (GO) and phosphoramides. This research delves into the detailed investigation of three GO-based membranes, where GO serves as substrate for phosphoramide ligands. It has been demonstrated that these membranes possess wider interlayer D-spacing compared to GO. The compounds were characterized using various analytical techniques, including IR and NMR spectroscopy, AFM, XRD analysis, and UV-visible spectroscopy. Furthermore, this study delved into the mechanisms underlying the immobilization of Acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) by GO and its newly synthesized derivatives. The results obtained from this study demonstrated that the GO/L films possessed enhanced biological activity compared to both phosphoramide ligands and bare GO alone. The objective of this research was to develop simple and efficient methods for synthesizing potent compounds that can find applications in various biological fields. Notably, these compounds offer advantages in terms of their environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and time efficiency. The findings of this investigation contribute to a deeper understanding of GO-based membranes and open possibilities for rational design in diverse areas such as drug development and food industry.


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How to Cite

Biazar, S. M. ., & Bavandpour, A. K. . (2023). Graphene Oxide Composites as Environmentally-Friendly Enzyme Inhibitors. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 11, 28–34.


