GIS Analysis of Temperature Variation in Ukraine for 2000-2020
Climate change, Temperature distribution, Temperature difference, Overlay Analysis, Kriging InterpolationAbstract
The presented paper is dedicated to the problem of temperature changes variations for Ukraine. As an input data source, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information data were used. Based on preliminary studies, the temperature analysis workflow was developed. The feature of the deployed workflow is an application of GIS analysis for temperature trend detection. As the main functions of GIS analysis, overlay analysis and Kriging interpolation were used. The temperature surfaces were constructed using the Kriging interpolation method to determine the temperature trend. The overlay analysis was applied based on the temperature surfaces for different time intervals. After overlaying procedure, the difference between two georeferenced surfaces was calculated. These differences allowed us to track the temperature changes throughout time. The results of surfaces subtraction were used for temperature variation analysis for different time intervals. The general picture emerging from the research is that the temperature grows for 0.2 C° each five years. As in previous studies, the results confirm that there is a distinct tendency in the temperature rising for one degree of Celsius during the last twenty years. The temperature trend has an essential geographical association. The most significant temperature changes are related to the southeast of Ukraine, proving the desert regions' increasing.
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