Inventory of Exhaust Gas Emissions from Maritime Vehicles in a Bay


  • Fatih ILEK Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tinaztepe Campus, Buca-Izmir, Turkey
  • Tolga Elbir Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tinaztepe Campus, Buca-Izmir, Turkey



Maritime transport, Shipping emissions, Emission inventory, Izmir.


An emission inventory was prepared for maritime vehicles in Izmir Bay, Turkey. The emissions were calculated by using emission factors for three vehicle types; the passenger boats, the ferries carrying on-road vehicles and passengers, and the ships used for freight transport. The data of vehicle types and numbers, engine specifications for each vehicle type, fuel consumptions, passenger numbers, freight amounts, etc. for maritime traffic in Izmir Bay were collected. Emissions of NOx, CO, VOC and PM were estimated using the data collected and the emission factors from EMEP/CORINAIR database. The emissions emitted by the vehicles used for public transport were estimated as 12 tons/year for particulate matter (PM), 112 tons/year for nitrogen oxides (NOx); 60 tons/year for carbon monoxide (CO) and 29 tons/year for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The emissions emitted by the ships coming to Izmir Harbour for trading were estimated as 24 tons/year for PM, 314 tons/year for NOx, 65 tons/year for CO and 30 tons/year for VOCs. Total emission in the bay were found 36 tons/year for PM, 426 tons/year for NOx, 125 tons/year for CO and 59 tons/year for VOC. The maritime emissions of PM and NOx in the bay are about 58 and 70 times lower, respectively than road transport emissions in the city. 


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How to Cite

ILEK, F., & Elbir, T. (2019). Inventory of Exhaust Gas Emissions from Maritime Vehicles in a Bay. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 7, 1–5.


