Success and Survival Grafts as Influenced by Variety, Methods of Grafting and Scion Type in Guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Contact, cleft, guava, grafting, hardwood, polypiara, rootstock, softwood, veneer, wilt-resistant.Abstract
Successful cultivation of Guava with grafts obtaining through grafting of best scion material on polypiara rootstocks resistant to Fusarium wilt disease was studied at the Germplasm Centre, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, during 2000-2001. The experiment consisted three varieties of Guava (Viz. Kazipiara, Swarupkathi and L49 and Polypiara as rootstock), three different methods of grafting (Viz. Cleft, Veneer and Contact) and two types of scion materials (e.g. Hard Wood and Soft Wood). Grafting methods and scion types showed significant effect on the success and survival in guava grafting whereas, the varietal effect was found insignificant in most cases. The highest percentage of success (93.3) and survival (95.7) were obtained in the grafts done through Contact Grafting method. Physiologically mature Hard Wood scion contributed better grafting success (80.7%) than the Soft Wood scion (62.2%). In all cases, Kazi piara showed better performance than other two varieties.
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