Optimizing Medical Air Production Using Exergy and Process Cost Analysis


  • M. N. Braimah Applied Thermodynamics and Process Design Unit, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • A. N. Anozie Applied Thermodynamics and Process Design Unit, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • R. O. Braimah Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto




Medical air, exergy, Linde air separation, process cost analysis.


This work compared one new design of Air separation using Linde process for medical air production with existing plant using exergy and process cost analyses. Hyprotech System Simulator (HYSYS) software was used in simulating the process plants and Microsoft Excel was used for exergy, energy and process cost analyses. Annual profit was used as fiscal index for comparism with existing plant design. Exergy analysis of Linde air separation process showed that exergy efficiency of the existing plant (base case) was 3.23 kJ/h while that of the improved plant when the valve was replaced with a turbine (Case 1) was 11.65 kJ/h. Also, the process cost analysis showed that the annual profit for the base case was 48,818,463 ($/yr) while that of the improved case was 50,485,051 ($/yr). Replacing the valve with the turbine in the Linde air separation process could greatly give a better air separation process in terms of high purified medical air with greater annual venture profit. 


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How to Cite

Braimah, M. N., Anozie, A. N., & Braimah, R. O. (2017). Optimizing Medical Air Production Using Exergy and Process Cost Analysis. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 5(1), 16–22. https://doi.org/10.12974/2311-8741.2017.05.01.3


