Forestry Sector in India is Net Source of Green House Gases (GHGS)
GHG, forest degradation, fuel wood, sustainable forest management (SFM) and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).Abstract
More than 275 million people are deriving their sustenance and livelihood needs from forests and causing forest degradation due to unsustainable harvest of forest produce. India is committed to achieve sustainable development of forests. The inadequate finance, capacity and research are key issues for sustainable development of forests in India. The consumption of wood and wood-based products has been considered for the estimation of emissions from forestry sector. The carbon sequestration has been estimated on the basis of productivity of forests and tree outside forests. The forestry sector in India will be a net source of Green House Gases (GHGs) till 2051 if policies and programs of forestry sector are implemented at the current pace and commitment. The forestry sector will also be net source of GHG till 2051 if the policies and programs suggested above are implemented moderately but the intensity of emissions will be low. The forestry sector may become net sink of GHG’s only if policies and programs are implemented aggressively with full commitment. The aggressive implementation of policies and programs will not only improve the quality of forests but also improve the quality of the life of the forest dependent communities by providing them a sustained livelihood which in turn benefit environment. The political commitment is very low for the forestry sector in India. If this continue in future, it would not be possible to achieve the scenario based on aggressive scenario. The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for forestry sector announced by the Government of India on 2nd October, 2015 are extremely difficult to achieve.
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