Effect of Sodium and Potassium Ions on the Growth and Fatty Acid Composition of Dunaliella salina
Sodium, potassium, Dunaliella salina, growth, lipid, fatty acid.Abstract
In the present work, the effect of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions on the growth and fatty acid profile of marine microalgae Dunaliella salina was investigated. The cell growth was determined in two different phases. The growth, lipid productivity and fatty acid profile of D.salina were determined and compared under K+ ion and Na+ ion deficient and control conditions. D.salina under K+ ion deficient condition exhibited higher cellular lipid content (23%) than the cells grown under control condition (20%). However, no growth was observed in Na+ ion deficient batch. Optimum content of all fatty acid compositions (SFA = 29.39, MUFA = 20.43, PUFA = 29.15) with appropriate biodiesel properties were obtained under K+ ion deficient conditions. The results suggests that the K+ ion deficient condition has a significant effect on lipid content and fatty acid profile, thus D.salina grown in K+ ion deficient condition holds great potential for the lipid-based biofuel production.
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