Human Health Risk Assessment: Arsenic Exposure Risks in Bangladesh


  • Cameron Farrow College of Physical and Engineering Science, Executive Director, Canada Water Technology Exchange, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada
  • Edward A. McBean College of Physical and Engineering Science, Executive Director, Canada Water Technology Exchange, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada



Risk, arsenic, cancer, Bangladesh.


Arsenic-caused cancers in Bangladesh, arising from both water and food sources of arsenic (As) are characterized. The results indicate countrywide incremental As cancer cases as 1.27 million, a number which will increase by 1.2% per year unless a sustainable removal technology for As from groundwater is implemented. The site-specific magnitude of the incremental cancer, driven by local groundwater conditions is demonstrated where, for example, in Chandpur, 4% of the districts’ population will develop cancer due to As intake.

On average, 46% of the As body burden for Bangladeshis comes directly from water and 54% from food, although the range of percentages varies significantly from one district to the next, from a low of 0% water-based intake (indicating entire body burden from food sources) in the district of Dhaka, to a high of 91% in Chandpur. It is noteworthy that residents of Dhaka, since they are only exposed to food-related As, will see an estimated 42,000 incremental cancer cases.

Treating drinking water to the Bangladeshi standard of 50µg/L would decrease incremental cancer cases in Bangladesh by 353,000; further reduction to the WHO standard of 10µg/L would reduce the number of incremental cancer cases by an additional 298,000. 


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How to Cite

Farrow, C., & McBean, E. A. (2016). Human Health Risk Assessment: Arsenic Exposure Risks in Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 4(1), 22–28.


