Water and Soil Quality in the Vicinity of a Vegetable Oil Producing Company and a Poultry Hatchery
Vegetable oil, effluent, pollution, stream water, field soil.Abstract
In the vicinity of two factories, one a vegetable oil company and a poultry hatchery lives a farming community. The crops in the community’s fields have either not been germinating or dying before reaching maturity. A study was therefore conducted to assess the quality of effluent discharged into a stream, water in the stream and in the soil in the surrounding fields. Both the effluent and the water at selected points in the stream were analyzed for some parameters in the dry and rainy seasons. In the soil, pH, phosphorus, organic matter, soil respiration, electrical conductivity and nitrogen were analyzed only in the dry season. The results showed that the effluent and the water at all points sampled were slightly acidic in both the dry season and wet season. The dissolved oxygen was low in dry season but was relatively high in rainy season. The electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids had high concentrations in both seasons. Phosphate was high in the effluent in both seasons. The water upstream had higher levels of dissolved oxygen than at all points down the stream in both seasons. Oil was higher in dry season (p<0.05) than in rainy season although upstream water recorded low levels in this season. In the soils, high values of phosphorus, electrical conductivity and oil were observed in the lower slope field as compared to the upper slope field. Soil respiration was also low in the lower slope field. The results have shown that spillage and concentration of the effluents on the lower slope field may have had an effect on the soils which in turn affected the crops in that part of the field as had been observed by the communities.References
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