Radiation Dosimetry of Some Selected Industrial Sites at Onne Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone, Rivers State Nigeria


  • C. P. Ononugbo Department Of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt
  • E. Komolafe Department Of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt




Excess life time cancer risk, exposure, radalert-100, radiation, onne, exploitation.


Measurement of radiation exposure rate of Onne Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone Authority, Rivers State, Nigeria was carried out in order to assess the radiological health implication of the exposed individuals. The area was divided into four zones namely Zone A, Zone B, Zone C and Zone D. An in-situ approach was adopted using two calibrated Nuclear Radiation meters (Digilert -50 and Radalert -100) and a Global Positioning System (GPS map-765). At each zone, eight (8) readings were taken making a total of thirty two (32) sampling points. The measured mean exposure rate of the four zones is 0.014, 0.015, 0.017 and 0.018mRh-1 respectively. About 78% of the sampling points have exposure rate higher than the normal standard radiation exposure rate of 0.013mRh-1. The mean absorbed dose of the four zones is 118.54, 127.24, 147.9 and 152.3nGyh-1. These values were higher than the world safe value of 84.0nGyh-1. Annual effective doses of all the sampling point are within the safe value but the excess life time cancer risk estimated for all the sampling points exceeded the safe value of 0.29×10-3. This study shows that there is no immediate health hazard on the workers, staffs and the general populace of the host communities but continuous and prolonged exposure may pose health challenges to the staff working within the free trade zones and those residing around the area. 


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How to Cite

Ononugbo, C. P., & Komolafe, E. (2016). Radiation Dosimetry of Some Selected Industrial Sites at Onne Oil and Gas Free Trade Zone, Rivers State Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 4(1), 2–9. https://doi.org/10.12974/2311-8741.2016.04.01.1


