Application of Lignin Sorbents for Correction of Carbohydrate-Lipid Profile of Diabetic Patient's Blood Serum
Lignin sorbents, blood serum, sorption correction, detoxication, diabetic retinopathy, diabetes.Abstract
Novel cost-effective sorbents based on hydrolytic lignin of cotton husk have been synthesized by two-step process including condensation of lignin with epichlorhydrin oligomer and subsequent amination of formed chloroderivative with polyamines. The results show the efficiency of lignin sorbents for the removal of water and lipid soluble toxic metabolites from blood serum of diabetic retinopathy patients. Due to high sorption activity of synthesized sorbents in relation to glucose and lipids, including triglycerides, cholesterol and its most atherogenic fractions (LDL-C, VLDL-C) their concentration reduced from pathological levels to physiological norm or the levels of optimum compensated diabetes. Considerable hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of synthesized sorbents in comparison with enterosorbent Polyphepan have potential for prevention and treatment of diabetes. Sorption correction of pathological process decrease risk of diabetic retinopathy progression and can delay irreversible vision loss among working-age adults.
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