Dementia and Mental Health and Economy of Primary Caregivers: A Case Study


  • Harasankar Adhikari Independent Researcher, India



Dementia, Caregivers, Elderly population, Depression, Mental health


Dementia is rapidly a growing challenge for elderly population throughout the globe. Caring for loved one with dementia is a burden and very much stressful for primary caregivers (family members) who are under the home care. It is a serious issue for family which is in lack economic resource. This study examines mental health and economy of a lower middle class family of slum colony of Kolkata metro city of India where has no separate shelter for elderly one and family’s financial condition is in thick and thin position. Elderly mother was about 76 years old. The family had been managing dementia for last 5 years. The study assessed that family members were depressed and their anxiety as well as depression had crossed the limit. Their mental health had been reflected in their daily life and interactional level had been worse affected. So, they were almost isolated from their neighbour. On the other hand, male of this family, only earner (daily wage labour) was unable to go outside for job. This study suggested that government should take effective policy for dementia care and a support to the family with dementia is needed.


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How to Cite

Adhikari, H. . (2022). Dementia and Mental Health and Economy of Primary Caregivers: A Case Study. Journal of Aging and Gerontology, 5, 1–2.


