Species Senescence and Fractal Properties of Ageing


  • Igor Popov Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of biology, Department for applied ecology, 199178 Saint- Petersburg, 16 Linia VO, 29, Russia




Species, senescence, fractal, extinction, palaeontology, mechanisms of ageing.


The senescence of species and species groups is a real phenomenon similar to the senescence of an individual. The most remarkable evidence of it is an extinction of numerous species groups, which cannot be explained by negative impact of environmental changes. The mechanism of species senescence can be characterized as follows: the organisms tend to produce the copies of themselves, but they cannot reproduce their exact copes for indefinitely long time, that is why the species inevitably change in process of change of generations of its representatives, even if the species is already well adapted to environment; such a continuous species transformation takes place in definite directions because of various constraints even if such directions are not rational and lead to extinction. The species senescence indicates on the fractal properties of ageing: it is scaleless, and existing at all biological objects, one of which is a part of the other. 


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How to Cite

Popov, I. (2014). Species Senescence and Fractal Properties of Ageing. Journal of Aging and Gerontology, 2(2), 81–93. https://doi.org/10.12974/2309-6128.2014.02.02.3


