Alpha and Theta EEG Rhythms Activity Reveal Deep Changes in Resting Brain State in Subjects with Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease
EEG, alpha rhythm, theta rhythm, EEG, MCI, SPECT, resting state.Abstract
The increase of EEG alpha3/alpha2 frequency power ratio has been associated with AD-converters subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as well as a reduction in the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF).
In this study, the association between alpha3/alpha2 frequency power ratio with rCBF changes in subjects with MCI was evaluated.
The alpha3/alpha2 frequency power ratio was computed in 27 subjects with MCI. Two groups were obtained according to the median values of alpha3/alpha2, at a cut-off of 1.17. In the groups so obtained, the correlation between brain perfusion and EEG markers were detected.
In the MCI group with the alpha3/alpha2 frequency power ratio above 1,17 as compared to the group with alpha3/alpha2 frequency power ratio below 1.17 there was: 1) a constant trend to lower rCBF values; 2) smaller hippocampal volumes; 3) higher theta frequency power.
The higher EEG alpha3 /alpha2 frequency power ratio individuates two different group of MCI subjects. A complex interplay between alpha and theta rhythms activity MCI patients is suggested in patients with prodromal Alzheimer's disease.
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